Giacomo Pezzano
Interessi di ricerca
Conseguenze della rivoluzione informatico-digitale, su tre principali versanti:
confronto tra nuove ontologie: i concetti di bit, informazione e registrazione;
dibattito sui nuovi realismi: dalla centralità degli oggetti alla centralità delle interazioni;
sviluppi dell'antropologia filosofica: nuovi immaginari dell'umano e cultura visuale
Curatela - 2021
Régime scopique et régime synesthésique. La culture visuelle moderne et hypermoderne
Giacomo Pezzano, in G. Lingua, A. De Cesaris (eds.), Technologies de la visibilité. De l’image ancienne à l’image hypermoderne, Milan, Mimésis International, Milan 2021, pp. 67-81.
Le concept de régime scopique est l’un des concepts du vocabu- laire des visual studies qui a connu la plus grande fortune : origi- nairement forgé par le sémiologue Christian Metz dans ses études sur le médium cinématographique, il fut ensuite réélaboré et étendu par l’historien de la culture Martin Jay pour analyser l’histoire de la visualité, dans une tentative de dénaturaliser la vision et d’en mon- trer la dimension inévitablement socio-culturelle... [visualizza un estratto]
Tendenze a essere. Il disposizionalismo tra antropologia, ontologia e abeologia
CONTRIBUTI / 11 / Giacomo Pezzano, in Lo Sguardo, Rivista di Filosofia
The article discusses some fundamental traits of contemporary dispositionalism, on an anthropological and ontological level. I start claiming that the current relevance of dispositionalism also depends on the fact that we are immersed in a sort of ‘dispositionalist atmosphere’, in a double sense: we are experiencing a power oriented towards ‘capacitation’ and not coercion; we are living the diffusion of the implicit ideal of hidden potential, connected to a vision of the human being as potential (§ 0). Then, I define such a potential nature as generic, and describe its three main characteristics, in order to point out their wider conceptual consequences. starting with the recognition that any power is both particular and plastic at the same time: openness; habituability; historicity (§ 1). This allows me to highlight the basic task that every dispositionalist perspective has to fulfil today: to move in a perspective which is at once neo-Aristotelian and post-Darwinian (§ 2). Afterward, I dwell on analytical dispositionalist ontologies, presenting three key aspects of the dispositions, and discussing their implications: a) potentiality; b) independence; c) directionality (§ 3). Finally, I examine the continental context, focusing on the position of G. Deleuze, in order to contribute to a ‘mutual enlightenment’ between dispositionalism and deleuzism, and to the construction of a genuine non-fixist and non-substantialist worldview: I not only explain that Deleuze would be a pandispositionalist tending towards structuralism in the contemporary spectrum, describing his position with respect to points a), b) and c), but I also show that his perspective allows to pinpoint at least two other relevant issues, such as d) duration and e) echology (§ 4)
ICT (Immaginario, Capitalismo e Tecnologia)
Giacomo Pezzano in Im@go. A Journal of the Social Imaginary - Biannual - Edizioni Mimesis
ICT (Imaginary, Capitalism, and Technology). The paper defends the use of the concept of social imaginary as a tool of analysis of contemporary capitalism, using a philosophical approach. Firstly, I claim that such a concept is more useful than the traditional concept of ideology, because the idea of unmasking or undressing an ideology produces a structural impasse (§ 1.1), and because “social imaginary” grasps the features of a society populated by digital images in a better way. In doing this, I insist that if the logic of ideology is textual and referential, the logic of social imaginary is imaginal and non-referential (§ 1.2). Secondly, I focus on the imaginary horizon of digital contemporary capitalism: I present the “immaterial” nature of post-Fordist capitalism (§ 2.1), I describe the “cerebral” work of information machines that animate it (§ 2.2), and I thematize the informatization of the imaginary, arguing that the age of technological reproducibility of the relationship engages us to imagine a world at the center of which we have not things, but interrelations or interactions (§ 2.3).
L’ontologia nell’epoca della riproducibilità tecnica del pensiero e della relazione
Pezzano, G. (2021). L’ontologia nell’epoca della riproducibilità tecnica del pensiero e della relazione. Mechane, (1), 55-74.
This paper starts by acknowledging the growing popularity of the idea that living in the infosphere is producing a reontologization of the world (§ 0), and aims to test such a belief by examining the problem of an ontology of information machines. After explaining the sense in which I use the term “ontology” (§ 1), I discuss the main features of digital ontology and informational ontology: on the one hand, I present the ontological status that information has in digital ontology (§ 2.1) and informational ontology (§ 3.1); on the other hand, I identify the basic characteristics of ICTs that digital ontology (§ 2.2) and informational ontology (§ 3.2) put at the centre of their operation of “symbolic doubling”. Finally, through a comparison with some issues of the continental philosophical tradition, I claim that informational ontology can be considered an ontology at the same time more radical than digital ontology but also weaker, and I conclude by highlighting the difficulties that its conceptual elaboration seems to entail (§ 4).
Annuario filosofico n. 36 / 2020
L’«Annuario Filosofico» nasce da una cerchia di studiosi particolarmente affiatati, dediti alla ricerca filosofica tanto nel campo storico quanto nel campo teorico. Essi si propongono anzitutto di rinnovare le categorie storiografiche nei punti in cui quelle in uso hanno dimostrato qualche insufficienza, di sfruttare la portata rilevante del dibattito filosofico attuale proponendo nuove interpretazioni di filosofie del passato, di riportare in circolazione correnti e autori meno studiati eppure capaci di far sentire una voce importante nella cultura filosofica contemporanea.
Essi si propongono inoltre di allargare la problematica attuale con la trattazione di temi nuovi o insoliti nel clima filosofico odierno, con spirito alieno dalle mode e al tempo stesso decisamente anticonformistico, e di segnalare l’urgenza di tematiche oggi poco frequentate ma non per questo meno decisive nell’attualità.
La rivista conta sulla collaborazione di quanti si riconoscono in questo programma e condividono questa impostazione, al di là delle singole proposte personali e dei particolari esiti speculativi, nella consapevolezza che in filosofia più che le differenze che dividono, importa la convergenza in una problematica comune.
Realtà in registrazione. Ontologia e riproducibilità tecnica della memoria
Pezzano, G. (2020). Realtà in registrazione. Ontologia e riproducibilità tecnica della memoria. Mechane, (2), 2020
The paper discusses the metaphysics of the web proposed by M. Ferraris recently, considered as one of the possible ontologies of the ICT. It starts clarifying two Ferraris’s key-ideas: i) ICT are technologies of the memory and information is linked to ethos (action) and not eidos (knowledge); ii) the socio-technical revolution of the web eveals the intimate structure of reality as such (§ 1). Thus, the foundations of Ferraris’s realism of the hysteresis are sketched (§ 2), highlighting that it is a realism of recording which wants to be at the same time speculative and ordinary (§ 3), and that it nevertheless entails an ontology based not on the object, but on the trace (§ 4). Finally, the focus goes on the question of the revision of our ordinary image of reality, based on thinghood, stressing that tools such as Extended Reality and phenotechnology could open to a different way not only of conceiving reality, but also of perceiving it (§ 5).